With travel at an all-time high and more customers than ever invested in quality travel, the aviation industry is faring well.
That doesn’t mean there isn’t better that can be done. Aircraft maintenance is a full-time job, after all, and even the most minor of errors can lead to major consequences. When you want to maintain a high quality airline always delivering on speed, efficiency and comfort, you turn to the very best in aviation technology, repair and consultation. This can be seeking out superior vibration analysis systems for stormy weather or sky condition tolerance consultants when navigating in new areas. Whatever needs to be done, expending a little extra effort now will go a long way down the line.
Travel is only getting more common from here. Let’s see what you should be keeping in mind when doing a routine sweep of your airline.
Airline jobs are in high demand. That’s because airlines see to millions of flights worldwide every single day. The FAA recently estimated that aviation supports a staggering 10 million jobs in the United States every year. Some of the most in-demand jobs in the aviation industry include piloting, baggage handling and maintenance technicians. Today there are over 130,000 aircraft mechanics, as well as service technicians, employed throughout the country.
Customers fly for a number of reasons. It’s your job to deliver a high-quality airline flight each and every time, no matter what they happen to be. Traveling for leisure purposes has been on the rise lately, particularly among those that want to combine affordability with international travel. Some travel for moving purposes, however, and others travel regularly for business. When you invest in portable balancing equipment or sky tolerance analytics you invest in customers that trust you to take them where they need to go.
Sub-industries are also seeing quite a few changes as of late. Worldwide commercial helicopter sales, for example, have already reached an impressive $5 billion. Back in 2015 over 24 million general aviation flight hours were logged, ranging from routine trips to emergency purposes. Go back a few more years and there were nearly 225,000 total active general aviation crafts in the United States. What does this mean when you need better fan balance, regardless of whether or not you fly regularly or weekly?
Aircraft vibration is an important part of a smooth flying experience. Turbulence can be caused by a number of factors, ranging from poor weather to a mere shift in the winds. This can leave customers uncomfortable, even feeling ill, and sky condition tolerance measures are one way of putting a damper in this process. Aircraft vibration severity is measured ona scale from 0 to 1.2 IPS (shorter for inches per second). Anywhere from 0 to .2 IPS is a good rating, while .21 to .4 is fair. Anything beyond that and you start to see a dip in quality.
Sky condition tolerance is just one of many aspects that go into a smooth flight. What are you doing this year to make sure your customers are always coming back for another trip>