Without filters, many of our up-to-date products wouldn’t work and we would be in worse physical shape. A proper air-conditioner needs a good filter in order to successfully remove pollen and dander from the air while many buildings and factories would be nigh unworkable without the air regularly being cleansed. It can be difficult, though, knowing which types of filters or purifiers to invest in and why with many kinds of fabrics, materials and reputable brands filling up the market. If you need to update your factory or business, read on: here you’ll learn more about your average air intake filter, industrial filtration and how it all works.
Did you know the textile and apparel industries have employed over 300,000 people in the United States by 2013? That number is expected to get even higher, as the consumption of domestic cotton has exceeded over 1 billion pounds in recent years and shows no signs of stopping as demand for many day-to-day products continues. The U.S. air filtration industry is worth over $12 billion and demand for air intake filters is expected to rise by as much as 3.6% in 2018. Recyclable filtration is becoming increasingly popular as well — if the quality and specification OEM standards (Original Equipment Manufacturer) are met, your old filters can be recycled completely.
How Do They Work?
Air intake filters require a delicate and modern science to operate at the highest efficiency. There is a different type for every industry, as well, insuring buyers get the most bang for their buck. If you’re looking to remove odor, consider investing in a purifier. If you want to remove dust or allergens then Disel particulate filters, also known as DPFs, are designed to last for up to 100,000 miles. Up-to-date HEPA filters are required to capture at least 99.97% of airborne micron particles (which can cause physical health degradation if not filtered regularly). Typar fabric is a highly specialized fabric that uses a mixture of heat-bonding and stabilization to trap soil and various other airborne contaminants. When properly installed and maintained, you can expect it to last up to ten years. If you’ve had to clean out your dust collector filter bags recently, consider investing in any of the products detailed above — you could save yourself a lot of money and time in the future with these incredible materials.
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