Are you a business owner looking to do more with your online marketing? If so, that’s a great place to start. Everyone knows that the internet isn’t going away anytime soon and now millions of Americans spend time online each day. Why not use that to your advantage? Below are just a few of the ways that hiring an online marketing agency can help grow your business:
1. Web Design – Did you know that over 90% of all online experiences start with a search engine? The job of the marketing agency that you hire will be to make sure that those searches lead online users to your company’s website. Once they arrive at your site the marketing agency will help you make sure they stay there using smart web design. Nearly 50% of internet users say that web design is one of the main ways they determine the credibility of the company. If your web design isn’t user friendly, clear, and easy to navigate then you could be losing potential customers.
2. SEO Services – Another way that marketing agencies can help increase your revenue is through search engine optimization or “SEO” leads. Essentially, search engine optimization involves taking certain keywords and placing them on your website so that when users type those words into a search engine your website comes up on or near the top every single time. Typical outbound leads like direct mailers or print advertising have around a 1.7% close rate, while the close rate of search engine optimization leads is around 15%
3. Email Marketing – Does your company send email blasts to current and potential customers on a weekly or monthly basis? If so, how effective are they? An online marketing agency can assist you in making those emails more personal so that your customers aren’t just thinking the message needs to go immediately to the trash folder. When you personalize your emails or offer discounts based on past purchases you connect more with your customers and they are more likely to use your services again. Another way that companies across the country are connecting with their customers is through a consistent company blog. Talk to an online marketing agency about the best way your company can keep current customers and attract new ones.
Web design, seo services, and email marketing are just three of the many techniques that online marketing agencies use to increase website traffic, customer retention, and ultimately total revenue. If you think that your company’s marketing strategy is not reaching enough people or could just use some polishing, schedule a meeting with an online marketing agency in your area to ask some questions. You’ll be glad you did!