Any successful company you find will most always have an executive group that is instrumental in its success. The success of an organization begins at the top, putting the right foundational blocks in the right positions so that all of the machinations function smoothly. It is the locating, structuring, and restructuring of talent acquisition that makes a company strong, and sometimes if you are a company owner or top executive, it is difficult to know if you are handling all of this in the best way possible. An executive search consultant service might just be the thing your company needs to hire and retain the right employees.
In days gone by, employees were likely to stay with a firm for the duration of their careers. If a company was stable, they could be with that firm for 25 or 30 years before they get their gold watch and retire to Florida. In this day and age, that is not the case. In fact, that would be the exception to the rule. Jobvite took a recent survey and according to that survey, as many as 53% of workers said that they are always open to new job prospects, even if they are not actively looking.
Talent acquisition management plays a very important role in the way companies manage their employees today. If a company has a solid employee recognition program, for instance, their employees will be happier. A recent poll showed that 86% of companies believed this to be true. With the help of an executive search consultant service, companies can find the right fit between management personnel and the employees they manage. With 35% of CEOs from small to midsize businesses stating that staffing is their number one issue, it becomes very clearly very easily that finding the right people to do the jobs that need to be done is what keeps a company going strong.
It’s not enough, however, to simply find people with the skills needed to accomplish tasks. There is much more to a person than their skill set and matching people together to create a climate of harmony in the workplace takes a skill all its own. Diversity in the workplace has been shown to increase workplace productivity. A company that has intentionally become gender diverse has been shown in McKinsey’s research to be 15% more likely to outperform their peers. An ethnically diverse company has been shown to be 35% more likely to outperform its competition. Diversity is clearly a very important factor in placing the right people in the right jobs.
An executive search consultant service can help your company figure out its direction and lead it on through staffing, ideas for implementation and retention. Wouldn’t you like to worry about more than just staffing?