Everyone knows how important good customer service is. Connecting with customers and clients in a positive manner is what makes an impact and brings consumers back to a business. Back to make more purchases. Although everyone knows the importance of the positive customer experience, many companies and their employees do not deliver the necessary kindness and personal attention that customers expect. The proof is in the fact that the rare instance of great customer service goes viral on the internet. Whether it is a written account of an employee being kind, or an actual video of a warm encounter, these happenings are so rare that they are “liked” and “shared” thousands, and sometimes millions, of times.
Just as live customer interactions are important, so too are the interactions that customers have over the phone. When a small business owner is busy helping a customer who is in the store, or is unable to answer the phone for another reason, it is important that business has a strong plan for their small business answering service platform. The type of 24 hour answering service that a business selects can determine customer satisfaction as much as an in store encounter.
The American telecommunications industry is worth revenue totals that have reached $10 billion. The worldwide industry reached an impressive $2.1 trillion by the year 2012. How all of this money is invested, however, varies greatly from one company to the next. While many companies, for example, invest their telecommunications budget on automated services that provide nothing remotely close to a human customer service encounter, the small business answering service option is the choice of discerning companies who want to provide a personal touch for their clients.
While complicated and lengthy automated answering services can provide an efficient way to handle a number of calls, very few customers enjoy the experience. In fact, many customers have an immediate response to complicated phone messaging systems. They hang up. Did you know, for instance, that nearly 45% of American consumers will abandon an online purchase if their questions and concerns are not immediately addressed? Shopping online can be a great experience that saves a lot of time. When, however, an online customer wants help, they want it immediately. They do not want to be put on hold by an automated telephone answering service. Instead, they want to instantly talk to a real person.
A quality answering service platform can mean the difference between keeping customers on the line as opposed to losing them to long wait times. Additionally, a small business answering service is the necessary piece for a company who wants to be known for its great customer service. By making sure that its calling customers can contact the business at any time, a small business can send the message that customers are important whether they are on the phone, or in the store.