A company that relies on their website to gain customers cannot afford to have an unprofessional web design. A smart digital marketing strategy takes into consideration how to bring customers into the site; how to give the customer the information they need; how to show the customer what sets the company apart; and how the customer can buy the product or service being sold.
Digital marketing strategy does not apply solely to a website that is accessed by computer. It also applies to mobile sites and the graphic design used for advertisements. If the first step is generating traffic to the site, then it is wise to use all the tools available to accomplish that task. At times an internet user knows exactly what they are searching for, and at other times they use a search engine to help (about 80% of users actually). A company increases their chances of their website being clicked on when they use search engine optimization, or SEO.
SEO strategies are simple: use key terms and phrases that people commonly search for in quality content to post to the website. Doing so increases the chances that the right customer will find the company website. This completes the first step. The next two are closely related: provide the right information, easily, and prove why your company is the best at providing it.
People use the internet primarily to find information they need. The information itself differs person to person and search to search of course, but one element remains: people like to do research. The internet is great for providing information on businesses, such as locations, times, and reviews. A good digital marketing strategy will give this information right away, as the customer is not only curious but impatient. After all, about 40% of internet users will actually leave a site that takes longer than three seconds to load.
Once the customer has the information they were looking for, they need to know why your company is the best one to give them that product or service. It could be the company mission statement that highlights past accomplishments, or maybe the principles the company was founded on. The goal is to convince the customer that there is no need to look anywhere else or do a comparison with another company. Your company is the best, and they should buy now, essentially.
The last step is to make it easy for the customer to complete the purchase. All of these steps require a smart web design. The customer should never be confused by the layout. Information needs to be easily accessible by a clear menu.
A good digital marketing strategy, in short, tries to make it as easy as possible for the customer to get to the site, find what they are looking for, and make a purchase. Summarized in this way it seems very straight forward. But time and again, there are websites that prove it is anything but. Be one of the good ones. Take the time to develop your company’s digital marketing strategy.