The microscope has changed dramatically since its invention in 1590, but when you’re working on a grant-funded project, a long-term study, or with a federal bureau, you may not always have access to the latest technology. Even if you’re managing to get by with your compound microscope from 2005, you can probably speed up your research process by using a handheld microscope or a microscope app for iPhone. If any of these sound familiar, ask your funder or manager about making an upgrade.
You’re Conducting More Field Studies
Part of your work may entail collecting samples in the field, from a patient, or from an assembly line, and then taking them back to your lab for review. If you’re in the process of conducting a long-term study, though, constantly shuttling back and forth between the lab and the test site can be a bother. What’s more, if you’re conducting research in a remote location or performing routine inspections, you may not even be able to set up your instruments and microscope to sort through findings. In this instance, you’re better suited to use a handheld microscope or microscope app for iPhone to speed up the process.
You Need to do a Quick Analysis
This is especially common in forensic pathology, where results from an initial analysis will determine the course of an investigation. A hand microscope can allow you to test various areas in a potential crime scene for the presence of blood, DNA, soil, bone fragments, trace metals, gunshot residue, etc. You can also look into an IOS microscope app with split window features that allow you to compare specimens quickly.
You Need to Share Images Digitally
Of course, you can photograph and document your findings to be shared while you’re working in the lab. But what if you run across something in your work and need to ask your your colleague’s input before you proceed? A USB microscope camera allows you to share photos quickly and easily without having to leave your research site. If you’re away from the lab or office for weeks or months at a time, they also allow you to send updates to your colleagues as your investigation continues.
Good investigations take time, but a high-quality handheld microscope can eliminate those long periods of waiting between sample collections. Even if you can’t use a hand microscope, talk to your team about using an iPhone microscope app for your projects.