Web design can seem extremely elusive at times. Good web design? Downright mystical.
It’s not enough to have an attractive website anymore. Now you need to have a solid digital marketing campaign in order to supersede the competition…but you can’t have it be too obvious, lest you scare off your customers. You need to have a large toolset of banners, keyword rankings, and blogs to give your repeat buyers extra incentive to stick around. That’s before you get to general website maintenance that can keep up with the latest technology. How can you keep track of it all?
You hire a Savannah web designer. Take a gander at the list below to learn about today and tomorrow’s essentials.
Your Customers Need To Be Given A Good Reason To Stick Around
There’s a lot of competition out there. Why should customers choose you over a competitor? This is a question you’ll be able to answer right off the bat with smart web design. Recent studies have shown first impressions are more powerful than ever in the digital space — one study found 95% of people citing web design as the reason they mistrusted or outright rejected a website. Likewise, an attractive and accommodating website can be just what gets a casual browser sticking around.
Intrusive Advertising Can Backfire More Often Than Not
You might be thinking about a more aggressive digital marketing campaign. This could actually backfire and turn more customers off. You have just 10 seconds to leave a positive first impression and tell consumers what they’ll be getting out of your website…if this is filled with annoying pop-ups and animated banners? It all just contributes to excess clutter. SEO, on the other hand, is a reliable form of marketing that uses keywords to help your site stand out more.
Mobile Optimization Is Essential To Stay Relevant
On top of better web design and an SEO marketing campaign, you should be considering mobile optimization. Many customers today lead busy lives on-the-go, shopping and browsing on their phones and tablets. Websites that don’t update can run the risk of glitching, freezing, or failing to load properly. This makes your business look neglectful and will put you in a bad spot to snag that coveted positive first impression. Google conducted a recent survey of mobile users, finding 70% stating mobile-friendly websites are extremely important…yet 95% admitted most sites they encounter aren’t optimized.
Attractive Web Design Is A Basic For Any Business
What else should you have alongside mobile optimization, SEO, and a regularly updated blog? Make sure your website just looks good. This means simple color schemes and large text that’s easy to read. Buttons should be located somewhere obvious so your contact information or about page isn’t reduced to a chore. Gone are the days of garish text and flashy technology — time and time again, simplicity is proven to be the best course of action when communicating with others.
A Local Web Designer Will Have Your Needs More Than Covered
You don’t have to keep all this in mind. A web designer will know just what your business needs to stand out amid the competition. Even a brief consultation can be an eye-opener, because many of today’s problems aren’t as obvious as a missing screw! According to a recent Global Digital Outlook Study, nearly 45% of marketers around the world are increasing their investment in digital marketing. As much as 50% are currently spending half or more of their entire marketing budget on digital means.
Peel back the mystery of web design. Talk to a web design Savannah GA professional and get yourself back into the limelight where you belong.