How Web Design can either Help or Hurt your Company

Web design kankakee

How often do you visit your companies website? I’m going to venture not very often, and why should you? Well, for one, to make sure that it is easy to navigate and is pleasing to the eye of the customer. Having an easy navigation is one of the most important parts of a high quality website. If your website is not easily navigable, you can say goodbye to customers. What can you do about this? Easy– look for someone to do custom web design for your company. There are tons of web design services you can choose from. It all depends what you are looking for and if your style is going to match their style. Also, it could depend on your budget and how much you are willing to pay. Finding affordable web design is easy enough though if you know what you are looking for. It is possible for you to set up the web design yourself, but it could be more work than you are willing to get into. About 46% of US web designers are using HTML5 to design newer websites, and if you don’t know what that is, it is likely that you should look into custom web design. After all, it is your company on the line.You may be thinking, is it even worth it to pay for this kind of service? Well, it totally is, and here is why.For one,ContentPLUS has shown that blogs are 63% more likely to influence purchases than magazines, so hopefully your website is looking good. Not only that, but so many people are constantly on the internet! Uberflip reports that 9 out of 10 people in the US alone are looking at multiple screens at one time. Therefore, while potential customers are on your website on one screen, they could be blogging an another screen about the awesomeness of your website design, or how difficult it was to navigate. While you are creating your company website, don’t forget to monitor customer experience on said website. That may seem to come without saying, but according to Econsultancy, only 55% of companies monitor the type of experience their customers are having on their sites. How are you to know what to improve if you do not ask or check? Try to keep this is in mind as you create your company website. More.

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