There are roughly 23 million landlords in the United States and more than 110 million renters. And while renters may like to complain about bad landlords, dealing with tenant issues can be equally frustrating. That’s why property management software rental programs have made life so much easier for landlords to handle their properties.
Here are the features to focus on when choosing property management software rental equipment.
Ledger Accounting
General ledger accounting software will enable property owners to review, edit, and print for each account related to a specific property. The tenants, bank accounts, and property deals can all be reviewed instantly. Traditional accounting programs were not setup for assisting property landlords and require double or sometimes triple entry. Fortunately, modern rental property management software allows for a much better focus on accounting than ever before.
Online Payments
One of the greatest advantages for property rental software equipment is the ability to send and deliver payments via the Internet. Landlords can provide tenants the option to pay their rent online through automated electronic payments. Likewise, AHC payments (electronic) are typically used by utility companies and enable customers to automatically make their payments to banks for quick and easy payments.
Your Own Property Management Website
Another benefit of the new property management software available today is the digital portal given to landlords. Landlords will receive both a mobile-friendly and a traditional website that was professionally designed to promote their brand and properties. Along with multiple fully customizable pages that show off vacancies, the website lets new tenants fill out online rental applications and pay the application fees.
Maintenance Software
Some property management software programs don’t include tracking for maintenance and work orders, but the highest quality property rental software programs allow users to handle maintenance requests online. Property managers can use the work order platform to assign vendors to jobs, attach photographs, contact renters and building owners, and attach invoices or bids for approval.
If you want to learn more about the most complete property management software available today, visit Rentec Direct today!