You don’t need anyone to tell you that being online is the key to finding business success through promotions marketing in 2014. However, you might be surprised to learn that, while implementing smart website designing tips and website development tips, placing an emphasis on content marketing, and generating buzz on social media are crucial to an effective advertising campaign, some of the best things you can do to tap into the $1.5 trillion eMarketer estimates web users will spend online this year are all off the web.
Three Real World Small Business Advertising Ideas for Online Success
- Put QR Codes on Your Advertising Material
- Promote Your Social Media Accounts in-Store
- Encourage Customer Surveys for Rewards
For LinkedIn, one of the best things you can do to increase traffic to your business website offline is include QR codes on your company’s promotional material. Do you have business cards? Put your QR code in the corner. In-house advertising? QR codes. Consumers love any excuse to use their smartphones, and by giving them a code that they can scan, thereby cutting out the need to remember a URL, you increase the likelihood that they’ll visit your site.
Social media, according to Statistic Brain, is used by nearly two-billion web users around the world, making it one of the most powerful mediums for marketers. If you’re having a hard time drawing attention to your social media profiles and, subsequently, to your web page’s content that you share through those profiles, try advertising those sites more clearly in-store. Whether it’s Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, shoppers love to be able to follow their favorite brands on social media, as About.com points out.
Have you ever bought something from your favorite fast food restaurant and found a link to a survey on your receipt? This is a marketing ploy. Sure, businesses generally offer the shot at a reward for filling out the survey, but it accomplishes two important things for the business. First, it draws traffic to their webpage. Second, it allows them to easily collect useful marketing data. This is one of the simplest, yet most effective small business advertising tips you can implement in your own company.
What other real world small business advertising ideas would you recommend to small business owners searching for success in the digital age? Let us know in the comments below. Helpful info also found here: www.archercom.com