In recent years, there has been a sharp increase of mobile point of sales equipment in several retail stores and restaurants around the country. The reason for this is that mobile POS solutions are much more versatile than traditional systems, such as a cash register or a debit or credit card swipe machine.
Some of the most common upgrades have been iPad POS system for restaurants and retailers, as well as tablets and other mobile devices.
But the problem with these mobile POS solutions is that they exclude customers who are blind. A recent report reveals that major retailers are being sued because many of the POS devices in their stores are unfair to the blind. With a more traditional system, someone who is blind can feel out the raised braille on the number pad to key in their debit card pin.
Newer POS device have flat screens that largely involve a touch screen, making it impossible for blind customers to know what to press.
The report claims that retailers such as Apple and J. Crew are facing charges for violating the Americans with Disabilities Act, as there are no auxiliary aids to help these customers either. Consequently, customers are having to verbally speak their pin number to a cashier, jeopardizing their account’s safety and increasing the chances of fraudulent activity.
Customers who have filed the lawsuit are additionally claiming that they have seen textured keypads at various other retail locations, and that this makes it unacceptable for the defendants to refuse to implement these alternative tools for the blind.
Even though there are no guidelines that specify POS device requirements, the Department of Justice says these defendants are not excused from their responsibilities, and has released a statement in support of the plaintiffs. Get more here.