From Vaccines To Tissue Samples The Power Of Cold Chain Delivery For Sensitive Pharmaceuticals

The pharmaceutical industry has never been better.

Technology has improved in leaps and bounds to help us deliver the very best in medical care, be they recent vaccinations or basic over-the-counter medication. Transportation is no slouch, either, and has enough options to accommodate any size of business. The cold chain remains the most commonly chosen in today’s busy times. It provides both the right materials and right speed to move essential medicine from one place to the other. Whether you need better sample management or want to know more about cold chain delivery, you’ve come to the right place.

How does cold chain delivery work? What are the most commonly transported pharmaceutical materials? Learn more about today’s pharmaceutical market below and the difference your transportation makes.

The pharmaceutical industry has a lot to rise up to. The United States, for starters, has a rapidly aging population that is ever in need of more accessible medication. Recent estimates have determined at least 20% of the population will be over the age of 65 once 2045 arrives. The older you get, the less capable your body is at healing from wounds or recovering from illness. Cold chain delivery makes sure all medications and vaccinations are delivered in the best possible condition.

Pharmaceutical storage is only getting more astute from here. The United States alone holds over 45% of the global pharmaceutical market, which is expected to surpass $1 trillion by 2022. American innovation will only continue to have a ripple effect throughout several countries, adding extra pressure to make the best possible delivery methods. Cold chain delivery isn’t just a modification, but a specific method of taking care of medical products. It could be just the difference you need to stay ahead of the pack.

Did you know seven out of 10 leading pharmaceutical products require some form of temperature controlled transportation? This makes cold chain delivery not just useful, but vital in keeping things running smoothly. A mere two degree temperature variation is enough to completely ruin a pharmaceutical product. This is difficult to discern at a glance, as ruined vaccines and pills offer no visual distinction. Alongside your cold chain delivery you should be extra vigilant in recording temperatures and how often your trucks or freezers are interacted with.

Storage conditions for pharmaceuticals are getting even more strict. The United States has seen a resurgence in certain illness these past few years, including measles and polio. Even the flu is bringing more hospital-related complications than ever before. Vaccinations are one of the most powerful tools in protecting the population and keeping life-threatening illnesses contained. Specialized equipment, such as the vaccine refrigerator and the vaccine freezer, are much better than any one-size-fits-all attempt at maintenance.

It’s not just vaccinations that benefit greatly from cold chain delivery. Biologic material, such as blood or reproductive material, need to be stored in cryogenic containers. These have the ability to hold temperatures of -150 degrees Celsius for at least 10 days at a time. The field of biostorage is constantly maintaining, analyzing, recording, shipping, and distributing products every day. From tissue samples to basic flu vaccines, there’s no end to the demand to keep our population safe.

Don’t bet on a maybe. Use cold chain pharmaceutical storage for your vaccines this year so you can prepare for the next.

About: Technology

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