The United States is constantly looking for additional resources on our own land. When we find valuable resources right here in the United States, we do not have to negotiate or pay for them from other countries. This makes trade deals and relationships with surrounding countries easier to control. However, it is not always extremely easy to search for needed resources. There are many difficulties to consider, as well as specific challenges with the search process.
Lack of detection programs
Technology has definitely improved over the last decade. Every day, it continues to advance even more. We have made improvements beyond what many could have ever expected. However, the current detection programs are not yet there. They still require advancements to have the ability to easily locate needed resources. Currently, we have to estimate based on the surrounding land. If estimations believe that there are needed resources, then the land needs to be dug up. Digging up land in hopes of valuable resources can be a problem in itself.
Digging troubles
There are specific factors that professionals look for in making estimates. For example, the American Petroleum Institute (API) defines a high pressure well as having greater pressure than 15,000 psi. Considering that natural gas wells travel thousands of feet below the Earth?s surface, high pressure readings can indicate a gas well. However, this is not always completely predictable. You cannot realistically go in and start digging up an entire area of land, in hopes of valuable resources.
Well inspection cameras, or deep well cameras may be used in gathering additional information. Well inspection cameras are downhole video cameras that are snaked through a minimal hole in the land. They are carefully snaked through different levels of land, with hopes of identifying what it holds. If the oil well camera works, better decisions about digging can be made. The downhole cameras, however, are not always able to get the best images. There can be rocks, varying temperatures, or debris that block the images of the well inspection camera.
Further digging difficulties
Even without entirely clear imaging from the well inspection camera, a decision may be made to dig. The possible advantages either outweigh the risks or there was evidence enough that the land contains valuable resources. The problem now lies in the buildings on the land. If these buildings are commercial or residential property owned by someone, they may not allow it to be dug up. If the state or government strongly believes that it will be beneficial land, they may require the residents to vacate. This often brings up issues of lawsuits and protests though. Usually, however, the property owners are well compensated.
Resource possibilities in the country
How possible are valuable resources in our own land? They are estimated to be quite possible actually. It is believed that there are more than 900,000 active oil and gas well in the U.S. While some of these gas wells will not be large enough to reduce overseas oil needs, a few of them are promising. The majority of them have been through on location well inspections and have either already been dug up or are in the process of planning to dig. The goal is to find sufficient oil supplies to remove the dependence from other countries with ample supplies.
Oil and other resources are requirements in our country and how it runs. Without oil, for example, we would not be able to supply energy and vehicles in the same method. Currently, much of our oils come from off shore supplies, which can be tricky for national trading purposes. The United States hopes to eventually find their own supply of oil, reducing the dependency on these other nations. It can be difficult to locate resources, especially oil, in some areas. Readings are not always entirely accurate and digging is not always a possibility. Well inspection cameras can be beneficial in preventing wasteful digging efforts.