In many ways, the Internet seems as if it’s been around for a lot longer than it has. Most of us are dependent on our smart phone and computers for many basic daily tasks, and we store both professional and personal data online. However, the Internet remains uncharted territory on many levels, and many still remain uncertain about how to incorporate the necessity of storing data online while maintaining their security. This task is especially daunting for businesses, for which data protection is of the utmost priority. For small businesses in particular, it may be tempting to take advantage of google drive and utilize that for online backups — it is free, after all. But the free option is not always the best option, at least not alone. Using services like Google drive and its competitors can leave you at risk of being attacked by outside competitors. As data production is expected to be 44 times greater in 2020 than it was in 2009, data recovery and protection in turn will only become more of a concern in the workplace. However, utilizing professional data recovery services, which also offer data protection, may be the best option for the workplace. Let’s look into why.
What Are The Weaknesses Of Google Drive?
Again, Google drive and similar online backup systems are often relied upon by small businesses. This is partially simply due to convenience and name recognition; a lot of people use Gmail at the workplace, and therefore it seems logical to use Google drive. With that being said, a lot of people fail to realize that when it comes to security and data protection, these systems usually leave that up to the account user. A weak password is really all it takes for a hacker to have access to your data — and the recovery of lost data would be on the user as well. In the workplace, it’s incredibly difficult to regulate account security, and if it’s left up to individual users, it could be all too easy for a data breach to occur. While companies can continue to use these systems if they like, they’re best used in tandem with professional data protection services.
Why Use Professional Data Protection Services?
Certainly, small businesses can institute in-house requirements regarding data protection. They can require that employees use certain passwords. However, unless that business takes the steps to employ IT professionals in-house, they lack the expertise necessary to protect their data as effectively as possible. Many businesses don’t need to keep IT professionals on hand — it would be a waste of money. It is often less expensive, and generally easier, to outsource data protection. Working with companies that specialize in data protection assures that you will get the best possible results, and furthermore means that the businesses themselves do not need to undergo the hiring and vetting processes required when looking for permanent employees. Data protection services offer the best security possible, and don’t necessarily require that companies compromise or change the systems that they’re already using to a noticeable degree.
Why Use Data Backups At All?
For businesses that are still making the transition from brick and mortar operations to online operations, data protection and data backups may seem unnecessary. It may seem more secure to keep hard copies of records. However, in this day and age it is virtually impossible to run a business without utilizing online data backups. While hard copies can be permanently destroyed, it is much more difficult to do so with soft copies — most can be recovered one way or the other. For that matter, many employees now find it much easier to work online. Indeed, it’s estimated that today, 70% of all data creation is done by individuals, while the remainder is done by enterprises. In turn, it is more convenient for them to access data records online. This move is unavoidable; therefore, it is best to keep data as secure as possible, with the help of professionals.