In a time when there is a shortage of workers in some trades it should come as no surprise that a growing number of companies are using some pretty inventive methods to attract more candidates. From military transition recruiting to connecting with high school students before they even graduate, a growing number of companies continue to look for ways to find the most reliable and dependable talent.
New stories today feature careers like welding, food production work, and other careers that have a difficult time finding the the talent to fill the thousands of positions that are open. Instead of just simply relying on the traditional ways of finding applicants, these fields have to rely on more inventive recruiting techniques. For instance, with the use of military transition recruiting many companies are able to find the talent that they need. By helping an air force member make the transition from being an electrician in the service to being an electrician in the private sector, these transitional programs help fill a much needed gap of workers.
During a time when many college graduates are looking at careers as software developers and solutions architects, the nation is realizing that it is is also important to encourage people to go into a number of other fields that are struggling to fill open positions. If a company, for instance, does not have all of the rotational molding positions filled, there are production workers down the line and sales people who are not able to complete their tasks and achieve their goals.
Today’s recruiting firms face a challenging task as the try to match a limited work force to the many job openings that need to be filled. And while automation is eliminating some positions, there is also a growing need for many workers to be retrained so that they are able to fill other positions. Fortunately, there are a large number of people who are finishing their years in the service who are able to bring their skills to many of these traditional and new positions. For example, employers indicate that the top five skills that veterans bring to civilian jobs, in order, include: self-discipline, teamwork, attention to detail, respect and leadership.