How Modern Roofing Technologies Make Buildings More Efficient

roofing technologies

The rate at which technology is advancing across all industries is redefining long-held practices and applications with more sophisticated ways of doing things. There are new inventions each day, some mind-boggling. The construction industry has not been left behind in adopting new technologies. One area that has embraced technological advancements is roofing. Unlike when roofing was a labor-intensive task, the emergence of new roofing technologies has made the roofing process a lot easier. In addition, due to the growing concern to preserve the environment, technological inventions have made roofing more sustainable and consequently improved the durability of roofs.

Traditional roofing materials are gradually being phased out due to their weight and requirements in terms of maintenance. Modern roofs require less maintenance and are significantly lighter than traditional ones. They also provide new esthetics that can be customized to fit personal preferences and make a building more efficient.

1. Residential Roofing Technologies

If you were to choose the most important part of your house, which would it be? You’re probably thinking about your kitchen, where you spend time preparing home-cooked meals for the family, or your bathroom, where you unwind after a long day at work. However, think about it: would any of these rooms exist without your roof? Your roof is by far the most important part of your home as it helps to protect everything inside.

Unfortunately, your roof won’t last a lifetime. A time will come when you need to repair or replace the entire roof. Replacing or installing a new roof is one of the most important decisions you make in your home; therefore, you want to ensure you make the right choice. Luckily, there are several modern roofing technologies, such as asphalt shingles, metal roofing, tile roofing, and many more.

Since replacing your roof is a big decision, consult a qualified residential roofer to give you the best options for your project. Several factors determine what type of roofing is best. These include budget, local climate, complexity of the roof, the slope, and style of the house.

2. Commercial Roofing Technologies

Although commercial and residential roofs serve the same purpose, to protect the building and the occupants from the elements, the main difference between the two roofs is the slope. Since residential buildings are typically smaller, they have steep slopes, whereas commercial buildings are bigger and hence have a flatter roof. You may wonder if having a flat roof on your commercial building is vital, given that a more pitched roof is easier to maintain and will also help add value to the property.

There is no point in discrediting those facts since they are true. However, some reasons you may need to hire commercial flat roofing services when constructing your commercial building include cost. First, flat roofs are significantly more cost-effective compared to pitched roofs. Secondly, flat roofs provide additional storage space for equipment.

As environmental concerns grow across different industries, the commercial roofing industry hasn’t been left behind. The pressing need to show more concern for the environment has forced the industry to develop new roofing technologies to improve the efficiency, longevity, and sustainability of systems used in roofing.

roofing technologies

3. Modern Metal Roofs

Originally, metal roofs were mainly used in commercial projects. However, metal roofing technologies have gained popularity in the residential roofing sector over the years. In 2015, for example, it was estimated that there were 750,000 metal roofs installed in residential projects, according to The Metal Roofing Alliance. Before using metal roofing in your project, research and get insights into why many people use this technology.

One of the main appeals to metal roofing products is durability. Metal roofing technologies can last significantly longer than traditional roofing technologies. In fact, according to Perfect Steel Solutions, depending on the material used, when a roof metal deck is properly installed, it may offer you a service life of 25 to 50 years. It’s also a versatile roofing material in various finishes, shapes, and colors. Since Metal is highly recyclable, it is an environmentally friendly material to use on your roof.

4. Advanced Tile Roofs

Tile roofing technologies have existed since early 10000 B.C. when China used clay tiles for their buildings; the technology later spread to the Middle East before penetrating the rest of the world. Today, tile has become one of the most popular roofing materials in the United States. Although the initial installation cost is relatively high, you can gain a great deal by hiring local tile roofing contractors.

Typically, well-maintained tile roofing can last an average of 50 years, depending on the type of tile you use; examples of different types of tile roofing include reinforced tiles, slate, cement, concrete, and terracotta. Tile roofing enhances your home’s curb appeal and makes it more energy efficient since it transfers less heat. According to the Tile Roofing Industry Alliance, using tiles for your roof helps lower your energy costs by up to 20%, making your building more efficient. If you are on the hunt for versatile roofing technology, concrete and clay tiles can be molded to fit your preferred aesthetics.

5. Recycling Roofing Materials

One of the most commonly used roofing materials is asphalt. Unfortunately, it accounts for 11 million tons of roofing waste in the U.S. annually. The truth is that recycling your roofing materials will probably not cut when listing things you need to do to protect the planet. However, the roofing industry, in general, has expressed its commitment to making the industry greener by embracing recycling as part of roofing technologies.

One of the ways roofers can reduce this waste is by accurately measuring the size of the specific roof to ensure they purchase only what is needed. When sourcing for a roofing contractor, it’s important to interview multiple candidates and get different quotes. A qualified contractor should give you the exact amount of roofing material you need to help reduce waste; if there are a few shingles that end up not being used, you can donate them to charity to aid in other constructions.

Other than recycling the main roofing materials, you may want to consider other components that are also recyclable. When replacing an entire roof, your contractor should assess it to see if there are parts that can be salvaged. Recycling is a highly demanding physical and financial process, and you may be tempted to use shortcuts instead. However, it’s the only way to help save the deteriorating environment.

6. Layers of Asphalt Roofing

Asphalt roofing is one of the most common roofing technologies today. It typically consists of asphalt shingles and other asphalt materials. If you choose asphalt for your roofing, there are three types: asphalt, premium, and dimensional shingles. According to Bill Ragan, the lifespan of your asphalt roof will depend on the specific type you choose to install. These roofing materials will last 25, 50, and 30 years, respectively.

Asphalt is the only roofing material that allows the reuse of existing shingles to cover the new shingles. However, the preexisting shingles must be in the best possible condition for your roof to function efficiently. If the older shingles are already damaged, layering them with new shingles only postpones potentially expensive damages. Before hiring a roofing service to install a new layer of asphalt shingles, evaluate your roof to determine whether it’s viable.

According to The Roof Doctors, your asphalt roofing shouldn’t have more than two layers; your roof is designed to withstand specific loads. The room may weaken if the load exceeds the recommended weight, resulting in costly damages. Another important consideration to factor in is that asphalt shingles are ideal for low slopes.

7. Air Sealing Services

Lucas Davis says almost 90% of American homes rely on an AC to regulate temperatures. Picture this: it’s the cold season, so you turn on your AC to avoid staying covered up in the house. However, after a few minutes of running your AC, you begin to experience chills coming from the ceiling of your home. After assessing your attic, you notice a few cracks on your roof.

Scientifically, warm air is lighter than cold air. Therefore, when you turn on your AC to heat your home, the warm air escapes through the cracks, allowing cold air to come in. This will not only make your home uncomfortable, but it will also force your heating system to work much harder and still not effectively warm the room. Eventually, you will incur more costs in energy bills as your system will be using up more energy.

To ensure your home functions effectively and efficiently, you’ll need to hire roofing contractors to repair the damages on your roof that are causing air leaks. Reducing the air leaks by sealing the cracks helps reduce the cold spots and drafts in your home. It’ll also increase the longevity of your AC as the system isn’t overworked.

8. Attic Insulation Improvements

Whenever you turn on your AC to heat your home, you want the warm air to be contained inside the home. As previously noted, the warm air from your heating system rises directly into your attic and insulated attic to ensure warm air doesn’t escape the house. A poorly insulated attic may cause problems in your home by making it uncomfortable and increasing the cost of utility bills at the end of each month. Therefore, if you determine the insulation in your attic is faulty, it’s important to contact a roofing service to upgrade your insulation.

According to The Environmental Protection Agency, homeowners can save approximately 15% on heating and cooling their homes by ensuring a roof is well insulated. To upgrade your attic insulation, add layers to your floors and install insulation against the roof using modern roofing technologies. This will create an energy-efficient home and increase eco-friendliness as less energy is used by your system.

roofing technologies

9. Advanced Waterproofing Techniques

Your roof is the first line of defense when protecting your home. However, extreme weather conditions such as heavy downpours and snow continue challenging this defense by weakening the roof’s structure. It’s, therefore, important to waterproof your roof to prevent leaks, seal off all cracks, and ultimately strengthen its defense.

Waterproofing your roof is one of the roofing services you should consider hiring during roof maintenance. It involves using different roofing technologies that coat the roof’s surface with a waterproof material that prevents water from passing through the roof, eventually causing costly damage to the overall building structure. Waterproofing your roof also improves energy efficiency by significantly reducing the energy required to maintain a conducive indoor environment.

10. Storm Ready Roofing

According to NSSL, the U.S. experiences about 100,000 thunderstorms annually, most occurring during the Summer and Spring seasons. About 10% of them get to severe levels. Since the roof is the first point of contact with the storm, it will be hit the hardest. Although the damage from a storm may not be necessarily visible on the surface level, it’s important to contact qualified local roofers to assess the roof and ensure it can withstand another storm.

Nathan Patterson recommends having a major roofing inspection at least once every year and every other time after a storm. If you inspect the roof on your own, the most you can do is walk around the house and look out for telltale signs of a storm-damaged roof, such as missing shingles. All other inspections that require you to be atop the roof should be left to professionals equipped with modern roofing technologies that ensure you have a storm-ready roof.

Technology plays a vital role in everyday life. It has penetrated everyday use, including the construction sector. Roofers have embraced it in their line of duty to help make their jobs safe and save time. From using drones to carry out roof inspections to using robots to make specific installations, one thing is sure: modern roofing technologies have improved efficiency. These technologies make modern buildings more energy efficient, besides protecting them from the vagaries of the elements. An excellent example of an efficient modern technology used in commercial buildings is solar roofing. Besides the fact that this is clean energy, which means it is kind to the environment, it’s more sustainable as it depends on an inexhaustible source, the sun.

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