What does good web design look like to your customers?
Turns out this question isn’t as easy as one thing or the other. No, good web design incorporates a wide number of visual qualities, up-to-date technology and strong business sense. Today’s website is the digital world’s version of a handshake, establishing a first impression right off the bat and setting the tone for the rest that’s to follow. Today’s digital marketing companies are familiar with all the little ingredients that go into the perfect ecommerce recipe. It’s up to you to take advantage of all the resources available to you.
Here are five elements no modern ecommerce web design should be without.
Create Cohesive Content
We live in a very busy world. Content is created on a constant basis, with customers getting the cream of the crop when it comes to high-quality articles and websites, and it’s important to get this detail right when investing in ecommerce web design. Studies have shown over 70% of people prefer to look at lists with bullets. Compare this to just 50% of people who read lists without bullets or cohesive talking points for easy perusal. Not only should your content be informative and engaging, it should be accessible to as many people as possible.
Reduce Loading Times
No website should take forever to load. Not only is it a bad look on a business that wants to seem up-to-date, it’s frustrating for the customer who’s on-the-go and in need of more convenience, not less. Seem like a minor point? It’s actually the complete opposite. Turns out over 40% of people will outright abandon a web page if it takes more than three seconds to load. Another study found nearly 50% of people reporting they had difficulty interacting with a web page on their mobile device.
Add Mobile Functionality
As stated above, customers are always on-the-go. Is your ecommerce web design able to keep up? If your website is unable to be viewed well on a tablet or iPhone, you’re missing out on a startling amount of customers. Likewise, taking the time to create custom web design that’s easy to browse on a wide variety of devices is setting you up for constant success. Recent studies have shown over 60% of companies that actively designed their website for mobile devices had increased sales.
Pick Up SEO
Your website shouldn’t put all its eggs in one basket. The internet is a big place, after all, and you’re far from the only person trying to make their monthly figures. Today’s search engines are constantly updating to keep up with waves and waves of new input, with search engines like Google and Yahoo influencing up to 85% of business purchases. Search engine optimization will do wonders for not just redirecting customers to your business, but redirecting the right ones.
Customize Web Design
Ecommerce web design can seem rather complicated sometimes. You need to invoke a digital marketing campaign, but you also need strong graphic design to make the eye pop. You need to customize for mobile devices, but you also need to make sure it loads quickly. It’s all very well worth the effort, however, and digital marketing solutions will make sure your website is always leaving a strong impression to every new person that drops by. Ecommerce today generates over $1 million every 30 seconds. All you need is to do is reach out to a digital marketing specialist to get your head in the game.
Ready to connect with your unique audience? Invest in affordable web design that invests in you.