Facebook recently took over another small business. Just weeks ago, Facebook purchased Finnish company ProtoGeo Oy. The modestly-sized company is responsible for developing fitness-tracking mobile application Moves. The application automatically records distances walked, jogged, or cycled in any given day. Why did Facebook purchase ProtoGeo Oy? What can internet marketers learn from the acquisition?
Facebook Jumps On The Fitness Bandwagon
“In addition to the automated activity tracking, users can also manually enter data, and Moves says it supports more than 60 predefined activity types,” Apple Insider explains. The free mobile application has been downloaded 4 million times since its release in 2013. Banking on fitness technology is hardly unprecedented. Americans are becoming increasing aware of their nutrition and health, and many leading companies, including Apple, Google, and now Facebook are investing in fitness-related products and technologies. Experts suggest, however, that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg does not expect to directly profit from the free app. Instead, BBC suspects that Zuckerberg will use the fitness app to better understand consumers — and, ultimately, create more relevant Facebook ads.
What Search Engine Optimizers Can Learn From Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg
Local marketing services should be asking, why did Zuckerberg purchase Moves? Understanding his motivations is the key to translating the same ideas to quality small business search engine optimization and internet marketing. Zuckerberg purchased Moves for two main reasons. First, the Facebook CEO wishes to stay as immediate and relevant as possible. Second, Facebook is purchasing a variety of companies to ensure profitability at all stages.
Web marketing solutions should attempt to do the same thing. Stay current by researching current trends. Tailor websites, for example, for mobile viewing; smartphones, tablet computers, and hybrid computers are quickly gaining popularity. Vary search engine marketing strategies for the best results. A campaign with SEO, content marketing, email campaigns, and PPC will out-perform one with SEO alone.
Create the best and most effective web marketing solutions by taking a page out of multi-billionaire Mark Zuckerberg’s book. Keep strategies current by researching new trends, and diversify internet marketing campaigns for guaranteed profits all along the way. Learn more at this link.