Three Ways to Organize Your Business and Reap the Benefits

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In an interesting study posted to Harvard Business Review’s blog, people who sat at a messy desk cluttered with papers ended up taking 10% longer to answer questions in a matching test, and also reported feeling more weary and frustrated, compared to those who sat at a neatly organized desk.

Although the impact of messiness versus cleanliness in the business setting has been debated many a time, it does appear that, at least in this situation, “a disorganized environment appears to threaten people’s sense of personal control, and… depletes their ability to regulate themselves,” as the blog points out.

Having a well organized business environment isn’t just about making sure that employees are well equipped to efficiently complete tasks, either. Well managed work-related data and paperwork helps companies stay on top of day-to-day operations. When management slides into disorganization, it’s easy for problems to crop up unawares, slipping by until it’s too late for an easy fix. Here are three ways businesses can bring greater organization to the workplace.

1. Always Maintain a Clean Desk Place

Even at the most digitalized of offices, papers have a way of accumulating on desks. Clutter not only leads to things getting lost, but it also creates visual distraction. When you have a busy day ahead of you, cleaning your desk can seem like a waste of time. However, spending five minutes to clean your desk now can lead to greater efficiency overall, mitigating the loss.

2. Switch to Cloud Computing Solutions

Cloud hosting services help you keep software, hardware and data all in one place, accessible from anywhere. Cloud computing allows businesses to store large amounts of data offsite, which frees up space — no room is necessary for a server unit, and many items that would have been formerly printed out are instead preserved as digital files. Considering how often papers get misplaced and filing systems are forgotten, it makes sense to use cloud solutions for data management. Better use of digital systems can mean less costly mistakes for companies.

3. Learn to Adopt New Software Made for These Purposes

One striking difference between old small businesses and new ones is the level of technological adaptation. There are a ton of programs out there that can do amazing things for keeping track of everything from payment processing to payroll to how successfully your online marketing campaigns are going. It can be daunting, though, to find and begin using new technology. Take a few hours a week, or even a day of every month to explore what’s out there and what you could be using to better organize and manage your business. Did you know, for example, that Mailchimp has free newsletter-creation services you can use for your email subscribers?

Would you use cloud computing or new software for your company? Let us know in the comments. Find out more here.

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