We are a world that is ruled by technology.
In fact, some would argue that if there were a major power outage the world as we know it would cease to exist. From the security plans that are embedded systems in our nation’s government buildings to the embedded systems that are required to keep the transportation systems in our world running smoothly, it should come as no surprise that more and more Americans rely on technology every day to go about their every day lives.
In addition to security and transportation, the world also relies on technology to make sure that we remember our schedules, know where to go for the best burger in town, and understand how to drive to place where we have never been before. And while we may think that we understand the technology that we have today, you may not have realized that the average, Gen Y consumers spend two hours a day on their smartphones and use six apps every single day. In a time when so much of our lives revolve around technology, it should come as no surprise that industrial computers and embedded computers are a part of nearly every agency, public building, school system, and business.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the technology that runs our lives and the impact that it has on the nation’s economy:
- We’re living in the mobile generation. In fact, although consumers now spend 85% of their time on smartphones using apps, there are so many apps that only 5% of them see regular use.
- Registering a compound annual growth rate of 6.2% during the forecast period 2016 to 2022, the embedded computing market is expected to reach $236.5 billion by 2022.
- Google announced that as of May 2017, there were more than 2 billion monthly active Android devices in use around the world.
- For the first time ever, in January of the year 2014, Americans used smartphone and tablet apps more than PCs to access the Internet.
- The auto industry is the leading sector in the embedded system market with a 17% market share as of the year 2015.
- In addition to the automotive industry, growth in the embedded systems market is being driven by the healthcare, industrial, automotive, telecommunication, and consumer electronics sectors as well.
No matter if you only use your hand held electronic device for a few minutes a day or more frequently, it is impossible to deny the role that technology plays in our lives.