Here in the United States, there are many problems faced by employees. Employees of all kinds are dealing with many issues, some of which can make working difficult on a day-to-day basis. Unfortunately, these problems are not limited to one part of the country or one industry but are really all-encompassing for workers and employees of all kinds.
For a great many, a lack of motivation is one of the root causes behind employee discontent. Unfortunately, only around one fifth of all employees actually feel that their superiors are motivating them to do their best possible work. This leaves up to 80% of the working population lacking the support that is likely to be essential to them to do their best possible work. And when this support is not being given, overall work quality is likely to fall, perhaps even immensely. At the end of the day, this is not good for the employee, but it’s not good for the company as a whole either, something that must be noted.
Poor hiring practices are also a major issue in places of work all throughout the United States. In fact, many top executives (about 36% of the 1,000 who were surveyed) actually even feel that poor hiring practices and hiring on people who are a bad skills match for the positions in question account for many of the issues that we are seeing in regards to employee retention rates. A poor conveyance of performance objectives and unclear performance objectives on the whole can also cause a great many issues for places of work and in regards to employee retention.
Lack of diversity in the workplace is another key issue, and one that has plagued us a country for a very long time now. Even in today’s day and age, when things are more equally balanced than ever before, there is still a great deal of inequality. After all, only around 5% of all Fortune 500 company CEOs are women with just 27 women heading the major firms throughout the United States. And this in and of itself marked an all time high as of the first quarter of the year of 2017.
All of these issues have lead to considerable problems with employee retention, as is mentioned briefly above. For one thing, the generation of Millennial workers has even become known as the job hopping generation, thanks to the fact that up to 60% of them have stated a willingness to take a new job with better benefits and leave their current one behind at a moment’s notice. And more than two and a half million people left their jobs on a voluntary basis back in the June of 2015 alone, marking a nearly one quarter increase in such activity from just two years prior.
But there are most certainly ways in which these issues can be dealt with. For one thing, a career placement agency can be utilized to help people get the best possible job fit out there. The typical career placement agency can work with companies and individual people alike, and this career placement agency can therefore help to ensure that the right person is found for just about every job out there. The career placement agency, as well as other outplacement consulting companies and human resources executive search agencies, play a valuable role in improving rates of employee retention on the whole. Without the typical career placement agency, matters of job retention would likely be much worse than what they currently are.
And as important as the career placement agency can be, utilizing a career placement agency is far from the only step that can be taken to ensure better rates of employee retention. Instituting an employee recognition program is also something that can bring about a good deal of positive change. As a matter of fact, up to 86% of all companies who have put such a program into place have found an increase in employee happiness, something that in and of itself is likely to lead to better rates of employee retention as well as higher qualities in overall employee work and levels of productivity.