Smartphones for the whole family sounded like a good idea last Christmas, but it turns out what you really wish you could have bought was a house full of smartphone users. Within the first three months, one of the four phones you had purchased had been dropped so many times that it completely quit working. Another phone had been dropped in water. And a third phone, although it had been well taken care of, was already so full of photos and videos it could barely function. And while the one device was in for smartphone repair at a local distributor, you have no idea about what to do with the phone that cannot be fixed or the user that cannot be taught restraint.
Smartphone Repair Is Best Left to the Professionals
The smartphone and tablet repair industry is thriving. While many users may be attempted to fix their mobile devices on their own, the more reliable choice is to hire a professional. Small parts and unexpected problems can quickly turn what seems like a simple task into a real headache. Even with what seems like the best tools and the best plans, home repair options often take a turn for the worse and turn into a process that takes days while the owner reorders additional parts.
Professional repair shops, on the other hand, can complete iPhone repair, iPad screen repair, and other smartphone repairs, within hours, sometimes even minutes. Like any task, having the proper tools, the proper work area, and knowledge of the task at hand make for greater success.
In addition, iPhone screen repair, for example, can also include the flawless installation of a shatterless screen protector that will protect your phone from future drops.
Cell Phones Are a Constant Part of Our Daily Lives
It might come as no surprise that today nearly two-thirds of Americans own a smartphone. Of those users 19% indicate that they rely to some degree on a smartphone for accessing the online services they use and for staying connected to the world around them. In fact, while many users lack broadband at home, they have few options for online access other than their cell phone. Furthermore, 97% of smartphone users indicate that they send a text message at least once every study or work session. The frequency of use, in fact, is the reason why so many users find themselves in need of cell phone repair.
Statistics Indicate How Much Consumers Rely on Their Cell Phones
- 37% of users indicate that they check their mobile device at least every 30 minutes.
- 34% of users indicate that they they could only go a few hours without their mobile phone device.
- 29% of users indicate that their mobile phone is the first and last thing they look at each day.
Even with precaution and the purchase of heavy duty cases, smartphone repair is inevitable. Consider the following statistics about the frequency and types of damage that occur to the devices that we depend on every day:
- 43% of users indicate that they break their iPhone by dropping it on a hard surface.
- 35% of users indicate that they break their iPhone by dropping it into water.
- 12% of users indicate that they break their iPhone in a “fit of passion.”
Although dropping a smartphone on a hard surface is the most common way that these devices are broken, users seem to be able to find a variety of other ways to break the device that they say they cannot live without. Cell phones have been driven over by cars, dropped inside roller coaster tracks, and stepped on in dorm rooms. As a result, the smartphone repair industry continues to grow and thrive. Cell phone damage is so common, in fact, that many purchases come with the option of buying insurance. Many users, however, are certain that they will take care of their investment and skip the insurance coverage.
Although cell phone gadgets, screen protectors, and other purchases attempt to protect cellphones and tablets, the fact remains that accidents still happen. Because we are not able to purchase smart users, but only smart phones, having the name, phone number, and location of a cell phone repair service is a must in today’s increasingly technology driven society.