As the Facilities Manager gave the tour around one of the hottest computer software development companies in the state, he talked often about how one of the goals of their company was to build a family who were all committed to the company’s services, while at the same time create a work environment that was immediately recognizable and familiar to workers across the nation.
With their biggest offices in places as diverse as the midwest U.S. and India, it is the company’s goal to make sure that any employee in any of the locations feel at home, even when they travel to work at another office.
Although much of the technical talk went over your head, you could not help but notice and be impressed with the clean and uncluttered look of the entire of the entire seven floors of the building. At the beginning of the tour the Facilities Manager told your group that there were 450 team members at this site, but the relaxed and sleek layout of the work stations really did make the entire area look like small intimate groups of people working on their tasks.
Perhaps most notable, there were not piles and tangles of highspeed HDMI cable, surge protectors, and USB cables cluttering any of the work stations. Instead, the highspeed HDMI cables and other necessary cords were almost artistically threaded through a center tube that discreetly pushed into the space just behind the double monitors on the work stations throughout the building.
You marveled at the fact that this large company could look so much more clean and uncluttered than the two fairly simple work stations that you have in your home.
Clean, Efficient Work Spaces Help Create a Sense of Calm
In a time when the world is more connected than ever before, it should come as no surprise that both individuals and businesses rely on highspeed HDMI cables, phone chargers, and other kinds of power cords. As the world becomes more and more connected every day, however, it is important to note that the highest performing tech companies in the nation strive to create a clean, relaxed working environment.
As Facilities Managers around the country try to find a way to have every cable available that a worker might need, they also have to juggle the mess of cords and accessibility issues that are in any office. For instance, HDMI 2.0 hardware supports bandwidth up to 18Gb per second, but that hardware requires a connecting cable so that individual workers can make use of this resource. Creating a predictable system for workers in all areas to be able to find and use the connections that they need is an important part in planning any office space today. The best locations make the fact that there were 3.74 billion internet users in the world as of March 2017 look as clean and sleek as a newly designed office.