Month: December 2017

Tips to Finish that PCB Prototype in the New Year

7 Tips for Hiring the Right IT Security Services Company

Why Businesses Need to Have a Time Clock Server

Learning how to measure time has been an age-old endeavor. For the past 5,000 to 6,000 years, humans have focused on finding more efficient ways to keep accurate time. The ancient Egyptians, for example, are believed to be the first to tell time using obelisks as sundials. By the 14th century, however, the first mechanical …

4 Reasons Why SQL is an Effective Tool in Managing Relational Database

Structured Query Language (SQL) is a standardized computer language primarily applied in relational database management. It’s one of the essential database administration tool used to query, search, insert, synchronize, update and analyze data. With the increasing cyber security threats and the need to manage data more efficiently, businesses are keenly looking for sustainable solutions that …

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